For any information regarding Sacred Heart Cemetery or The Immaculate Heart of Mary Columbarium, please contact Frank Montoya at 928-965-9646 or David Esquivel at 928-215-5225 OR email If you cannot get through call Sacred Heart Office and a message will be taken for them.
Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, PO Box 938, Clifton, AZ 85533
Revised September 2024
Mission Statement
The Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee ("committee") of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Clifton, Arizona consists of devoted, practicing members of our parish who believe that death is the entrance to eternity. Our objective Is to continue the Church’s Sacred Mission of caring for the dead as described by the Corporal Works of Mercy and by acting as responsible stewards in providing services, resources, comfort and assistance to families in a sacred and spiritual environment.
Cemetery Regulations and guidelines for the cemetery are established by the committee. Requests for modifications, special reviews, and considerations of these guidelines must be submitted in writing to Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, PO Box 938, Clifton, AZ 85533.
Sacred Heart Cemetery reserves the right at any time to change, amend, alter, repeal, or add to these rules and regulations with respect to Sacred Heart Cemetery or Immaculate Heart of Mary Columbarium.
The purchaser of a burial rite\plot at Sacred Heart Cemetery acquires the right of burial and not a piece of real estate. Sacred Heart Church alone holds the deed to Sacred Heart Cemetery. We are independent of any previous Cemetery Committee and are not bound by any promises or agreements made by prior committees.
Cemetery Grounds:
The cemetery shall not be altered, or ground broken without the approval of the committee. Requests for groundbreaking can be submitted by contacting the committee at (attention Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee) or submitting the request in writing to Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, PO Box 938, Clifton, AZ 85533.
Cemetery Charges: 1. $200.00 per burial rite, full casket internment or cremation will be charged in the old section of Sacred Heart Cemetery. For cremation use at Immaculate Heart of Mary Columbarium, a $1000.00 charge will be assessed for interment. A $500.00 per burial rite, full casket or cremation will be charged for interment in the Newly added St. Francis Section of Sacred Heart Cemetery. If after 6 months the person acquiring a burial rite has not tried to reconcile their debt or has not made any payments, Sacred Heart Cemetery committee will contact said person(s) to make a payment or forfeit the burial rite and return said rite back to Sacred Heart Church.
Hardship funds are available through the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee upon written request to: Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, PO Box 938, Clifton, AZ 85533.
Upon purchase of the burial rite, you will receive a receipt from the Parish. Please be certain that the location of your plot is on the receipt for your own records.
Sacred Heart Church controls all sales of burial rites. Funeral homes will not handle the sales of said rites.
Each gravesite shall contain one full body casket, with no double depth burials allowed.
A gravesite may contain one full body casket and up to four cremation remains.
A gravesite without a full body casket may hold up to four cremains.
After filling out an application with the parish office and receiving a copy of the guidelines, a committee member will assist the family in selecting a gravesite.
Sacred Heart Cemetery requires an outside burial container or vault (wood liner, concrete vault, or plastic liner). Cremation urns also require a vault.
Treatment of Cremation Remains: The new Code of Canon Law (1983) stipulates, “The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed; it does not, however, forbid cremation unless it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching” (No. 1176.3). Therefore, a person may choose to be cremated if he has the right intention. However, the cremated remains must be treated with respect and should be interred in a grave or columbarium.
Under no circumstances will the ashes be put into a small container to be kept at a dwelling or set into a necklace or other jewelry. Sacred Heart Catholic Church will not allow any of these to occur. The church prefers burial which expresses more clearly the faith in the resurrection and the dignity of the body. In short, to avoid scandal whenever possible. The cremated remains of a body should be treated with the same respect given to the human body from which they come. This includes the use of a worthy vessel to contain the ashes, the way they are carried, the care and attention to appropriate placement and transport, and the final disposition. The cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium. (Immediately after the funeral services).
If the services of a non- Catholic were held in another faith-based religion other than Catholic and is cremated, the Pastor of Sacred Heart shall inter the cremate remains in the columbarium with the proper Catholic Services.
The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires. Opening and Closing of a Grave:
Requests must be received from the funeral home to the Cemetery Committee 48 hours prior to opening the grave by email.
A mound of 8 to 'I0 inches of dirt is to be left on the actual grave site upon the closing of the grave, this includes graves with established curbing.
The gravedigger is responsible for the removal of excess dirt and debris from the gravesite area and immediate perimeter. Excessive dirt will be removed from the cemetery grounds to a designated area unless other arrangements have been approved by the cemetery committee.
Under no circumstances is the Family allowed to dig the grave themselves. The arrangements for digging of the grave will be the responsibility of the funeral home along with consultation with the family.
The dimensions for the actual single grave are 40 inches by 96 inches long.
The dimensions for a double are 104 inches wide by 96 inches long.
An urn burial shall accommodate the urn and have at least 18inches of dirt as a top covering. Depending on the size of the vault for the urn, the hole will be dug to accommodate.
Opening and closing of grave will be the responsibility of the family.
It is the responsibility of the family to properly maintain and care for the gravesite at least on an annual basis.
Prior to construction of curbing, a waiting period of six months is required for a full body burial to allow the ground to settle to prevent breakage of a curbing that may occur with the natural settling of the ground.
Prior to construction of curbing for a cremation, a waiting period of six months is required to allow the ground to settle.
Glass containers are not allowed to be placed on graves sites. Artificial flowers are allowed. Containers should be secured so that contents are not blown outside of the grave site.
To avoid damage to curbing and encroachment onto other gravesites the planting of flowers, shrubs, plants, or trees is not allowed on the gravesite or cemetery property.
Flowers must be in a removable container.
Curbing Construction Responsibilities:
Prior to construction of any kind, a request must be submitted to the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee. A deposit of $100.00 will be made prior to any construction to any grave. The deposit will be returned when clean-up is found to be satisfactory.
The established standard measurements for the construction of curbing must be followed. Out side measurements for a single plot are 5 feet wide by 10 feet long. Outside measurements for a double plot are 10 feet wide by 10 feet long. The Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee will provide a copy of construction measurements.
Curbing alignments must be kept aligned with other curbing which are next to the grave being worked on.
Eighteen inches of space must be left between gravesites.
The person contracted to do the construction of a gravesite is responsible for the cleanup of the area and removal of excess debris.
Upon completion of construction of a gravesite, the family will make certain that the area has been properly cleaned.
Any construction done to a gravesite is to be confined to the 5’ x 10’ or 10’ x 10’ area. Any construction outside of these perimeters may be removed at the discretion of the Cemetery Committee.
If curbing is constructed during the time of pre-need (before the purchaser passes away), the purchaser of the gravesite assumes all risk of damage to the curbing when the grave is dug due to the use of heavy equipment, which is needed, possibly striking the curbing. Neither the grave digger nor Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church shall be held liable for any damage to curbing due to the difficulty of digging in such a limited space.
If the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee recommends that a burial rite is in-accessible to a backhoe due to other graves, curbs and headstones that are in the way of the equipment, the family has the responsibility to have the grave dug by hand. If the family decides against the recommendation of the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee and proceeds to use a backhoe, the family will be responsible to fix and replace any damage done by the backhoe.
Prior to any construction of curbing, members of Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee shall mark the boundaries of the construction to ensure the construction is in the correct location and is not encroaching on any other gravesite boundaries or interfering with walkways.
After interment or after a curbing is poured around a burial rite, the committee will make sure there is a marker on the gravesite identifying the person to be buried there if the family has not purchased a marker.
Construction outside the Purchased Burial Rite Boundaries: The area outside of the burial rite boundaries is the property of Sacred Heart Cemetery. Permanent modifications outside of burial rite areas is strictly prohibited. Any temporary modifications, including installation of pavers and other materials must be approved by the cemetery committee. Requests for approval can be submitted in writing to Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, PO Box 938, Clifton, AZ 85533, or e-mail to Attn: Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee.
ln order to control weeds, gravel or pavers may be used between graves and curbing with the under standing that both may be removed without notice if needed by the Cemetery Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the replacement of gravel or pavers.
The northeast section of the cemetery is available for veterans and their spouse only.
All curbing in the Veterans' section is to be 5 feet by 10 feet single plot with no exceptions.
Infants: A section is available in the northeast section of the cemetery for infants, stillborn deaths and fetal deaths. There is no cost to the family for interment in the Angel Section. The age of an infant is from birth to the child's second birthday.
Change of Gravesite Rite Reservation: Should someone wish to change a gravesite location that was previously purchased, the existing gravesite must be released back to Sacred Heart Church. This is required to properly maintain parish cemetery records. Release Forms will be required to contain family signatures to release a new gravesite. (Please refer to Interments: No. 3c: 36-831 - Burial duties for notification requirements). A $50.00 filing fee will be necessary for a new location change. Interments:
No interment shall take place without the authorization of the cemetery committee. In the event of an unauthorized burial, Sacred Heart Cemetery reserves the right to move said grave and charge individuals involved with trespassing and theft as Sacred Heart Cemetery is Private Property.
Sacred Heart Cemetery shall in no way be held liable for any delay in interment where a protest to the interment has been made.
In the event of a death of a rite holder, the person who holds a burial rite, all privileges of the rite shall pass to the rite holder's family in the following manner:
The spouse of the owner of any lot has the right of interment of his/her remains in the lot, which may terminate upon remarriage.
If the rite holder filed written instructions at the Parish Office as to which member or members of his/her family shall succeed the rights of said plot/lot, said instructions will be recognized by the Cemetery Committee and such instructions are definite.
In the absence of valid and sufficient instructions filed by the lot holder or a duly probated will, the rights of interment shall be passed to those entitled to succeed under the laws of the state of Arizona. Please refer to 36-831 - Burial duties; notification requirements; failure to perform duty; veterans; immunity; definitions by following this link:
Any indebtedness due on a gravesite must be paid in full before the burial can take place or any memorial be erected at the gravesite.
No organizations except those approved by the Diocese will be permitted to conduct services in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Only an authorized Roman Catholic Priest, Deacon, or in the case of a deceased non-Catholic, an approved clergyman may officiate at the interment upon the approval of the current pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Prior to burial the Catholic Priest or Deacon will bless the casket and burial rite with Holy Water. This is to conform with Catholic burial practices.
Any person desiring to disinter a body from an interment space must follow state and local laws and must acquire state and local permits. Also required are the consent of the Cemetery Committee, the parish priest and all persons whose consent is required under the laws of the state of Arizona.
No disinterment will be permitted without proper consent of all legal custodians of the remains. All paperwork must be notarized and on file for each member agreeing to the disinterment.
The undersigned further agrees to hold Sacred Heart harmless from any liability for disinterment, removal, or re-interment.
Proper paperwork for disinterment can be made available by the funeral home.
Revisions: Sacred Heart Cemetery reserves the right to correct any errors that may be made by it either in making interments, disinterment, removals, or in the description, transfer of any rite or plot by cancelling such transfer and substituting other interment rights of equal value and similar location as far as possible, as may be selected by the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee. It is the sole discretion of the Cemetery Committee to correct problems by refunding funds paid on account of said purchase.
Cemetery: all the property for earth burials, and \ or columbarium interments.
Cemetery Committee: The Pastor of Sacred Heart and Cemetery Committee Members.
Columbarium: a structure, room, or space in a building used or intended to be used for the interment of cremated human remains only.
Gravesite, Burial Rite\Plot: a space of ground in a cemetery used or intended to be used for the burial of human remains. May be used for a full casket or cremation urn.
Interment earth burial or interment of human remains.
Memorial: includes monument, tombstone, headstone, grave marker, for one or more deceased persons.
Niche: an above ground or below ground burial space, sized for an urn containing cremated remains of the body, which allows for identification and remembrance.
Rite Holder: Person or persons who have purchased an interment, interment rite or who hold the same by rite or inheritance or transfer.
Pre-need: Person that the burial rite is assigned to and has not passed away.
At - need: Person whose name is on the burial rite, has passed away and will be buried.
Conduct in Sacred Heart Cemetery:
Catholic Cemeteries are Holy Places and are the second most sacred site after the Church. These grounds have been blessed by the church and are dedicated as a place of prayer and dignity of our faithful departed.
Please maintain a quiet reverence and respect for the people visiting the resting sites of their loved ones. Vehicles should never be parked on the road in a way that people are impeded from traveling through the cemetery.
Please abide by the following:
Proper attire shall be worn, no candles, no lawn games, no gas or charcoal grills, no loud music, no alcoholic beverages are permitted, no pets, proper behavior is always expected, no picnics, no loud noise.
Trash bins are provided at each entrance for families to dispose of trash, debris, etc. The trash bins are not for use by the public. Bins are for the sole use of the cemetery. Outside trash will be reported to law enforcement.
Responsibility and Role of the Pastor:
The Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish is solely responsible to the Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson for all decisions, practices, and procedures of conducting the affairs of the Parish.
The Pastor has delegated his authority to the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee for the proper conducting of these established "Regulations and Guidelines" now in effect within the Parish.
In the event of any problems or concerns regarding a particular situation in conflict with these regulations/guidelines, the Cemetery Committee Chairperson is to be consulted. Should the concern/conflict not be resolved at this level, then the Pastor will meet with the Cemetery Committee Chairperson, the family involved and any other parties to arbitrate a decision serving the best interests of all involved.
In the event of any legal matter/lawsuits, the Pastor or delegate who represents the Parish will consult with the attorney of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson, a corporate sole.
With these "Regulations and Guidelines" now formerly established in the Parish about Sacred Heart Cemetery, I am asking all members of our Parish family for your complete cooperation and assistance.
I want to thank all the members of the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee for their continued devotion to the proper care of our Parish Cemetery and perpetual care of the deceased loved ones of our families and friends interred there. With the assistance of one another and with God's help our Parish Cemetery will continue be a beautiful place to visit and a tremendous source of pride for our Parish, as one of the few parishes in the Diocese of Tucson to have its own Parish Cemetery.
Should you have any questions about the Sacred Heart Cemetery, please contact the Frank Montoya at 928-965-9646 or David Esquivel at 928-215-5225 or email:
May the Grace and Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always.